If you are looking for speakers for your boat, you should know that there are speakers that are classified as marine speakers. These speakers are best equipped to be near water. However, if good sound quality is important to you while on your boat, then you should definitely learn about your options so you can make an informed decision.
Even if you use your boat speakers inside the watercraft, they have some special traits that differentiate them from conventional speakers. The first most obvious thing is that they need to be water-resistant. Boat speakers are designed to be able to withstand exposure to water, humidity and even the toughest weather conditions.
So of course, finding the right marine speakers will require some consideration. How much space do you have? Where are you going to place them on the boat? Will weather conditions be an issue? How water-resistant should your speakers be? Here are some of the most important factors you’ll need to consider before making a final buying choice.
The Quality of the Material

When you are buying equipment for your fishing boat or any type of watercraft, the first thing you think about is the quality of the construction, as well as the quality of the materials used in the production. When it comes to marine boat speakers, this refers both to the materials and the sound they produce. Nothing is more important about the equipment you are getting for your boat than durability. Make sure that you get reliable marine audio speakers made from high-quality materials. This will ensure that the electronics inside will be protected regardless of the weather conditions, humidity, or even water exposure.
The Size of the Speakers

Figuring out the location on your watercraft where you want to place your speakers will bring you one step closer to finding the right speakers for your boat. Speakers come in different sizes, and that’s true for marine speakers as well. So, you need to make sure that you find the right size regardless of whether you are replacing or installing new speakers. What you need to think about is available space, so pay attention to all the measurements in order to ensure that they will fit. This includes the space behind the speakers, the magnet, the cone, the mounting, etc.
The Quality of the Sound

Marine audio speakers also vary in sound quality, and as a result, they vary in price. Some speakers can be placed both inside the watercraft and outside. Some are made to produce good quality sound for larger spaces, even if they’re open spaces. However, the quality of the sound will depend on different things, but mainly on the type of speaker you get.
Coaxial, also known as two-way speakers, include a separate tweeter positioned in the middle of the woofer cone. A coaxial speaker is one speaker wrapped around another, and they feature a passive crossover – a device that divides the frequencies amongst the speakers.
There are also triaxial, or three-way speakers, which are slightly better in quality, providing additional fullness and realism to the sound. These speakers are probably the most popular type of marine audio speakers. While they are great speakers, there is only one downside to them, which isn’t really a problem, since you aren’t likely to notice it. Namely, since they are attached closely to each other, they can create something called a cross-phase distortion. There are also speakers that feature a tweeter that’s completely separated from the woofer cone to avoid this cross-phase distortion.
A less expensive alternative are dual cone speakers that provide lower sound quality. They feature one speaker driver with 2 differently-sized cones to produce the sound. The smaller one produces the higher frequencies, while the larger one is responsible for the bass and the midrange frequencies. They work ok, but if the quality is important to you, you should consider the aforementioned options.
Subwoofers aren’t supposed to be used alone as speakers, since the sound wouldn’t be good at all. Instead, they should be used as extensions to the boat speaker. When used as extensions they can enhance the sound quality of your system significantly. However, they will need amplifier power. Subwoofers are also a great option if you don’t have enough space to fit bigger speakers in your boat, as they can be added in some locations on the boat, like under a seat for instance. This way you’ll get a much better sound than the one you would from a small marine speaker.
The Price
Marine speakers come in a range of prices, and the price will of course play a crucial role in your choice. However, as always, try to get the best quality for your budget. The price will differ based on the quality of the materials, the wiring, etc. Generally, the materials used to produce a good marine speaker are heavy-duty. This makes them reliable under different climates, harsh weather conditions, as well as waterproof or at least water-resistant.