How Whey Protein Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight & Belly Fat

Obesity and being overweight are conditions that should be discussed more frequently there should be more awareness spread about them since they often result in consequences that are harmful to one’s health. They increase the risk of many serious diseases, such as heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, cancer and much more. Luckily, in this information-driven age, it’s easy to get informed about all the ways you can combat obesity and keep your health in check.

And while some people believe it’s hard to lose weight as they think it means sticking to a strict and bland diet, in reality, you don’t need to give up on your favourite foods. You can see the desired results just by exercising more and using the help of weight loss supplements. And when it comes to the various weight loss supplements out there, experts recommend whey protein products as one of the safest and most effective ways to lose excess weight and fat.

What Is Whey Protein?

Source: Healthline

The liquid that remains after the milk has been curdled and strained is called whey. This liquid contains fast-digesting proteins commonly referred to as whey proteins. After the whey is collected, it goes through a couple of processes to get turned into the famous powders used to make whey protein drinks.

Combined with proper body training and exercises, the various types of whey protein supplements such as powders are proven to be a very successful and healthy way to reduce excess weight and therefore get the body of your dreams. If you’re still not convinced to get a whey protein powder to shed excess weight, then let’s get down to the benefits of consuming it.

Whey Protein Reduces Hunger

We all know that the best way to “cut” those extra kilograms is to reduce the daily intake of calories. But what you need to know about calories is that not all of them are equal and harmful. The calories we consume by eating unhealthy foods that contain sugars and processed carbohydrates are empty calories that quickly reduce our fullness and increase our hunger. As a result, we’re more likely to need another meal in a short time, and at the end of the day, this results in accumulating more calories than we burn.

If you want to reduce your calorie intake without feeling any hunger pangs, using protein powders can help. Whey proteins are great for satiety and an adequate intake can keep you full for at least two hours longer than any other food ingredients because the whey contains high levels of a peptide called glycomacropeptide, known as one of the most powerful hunger-reducing nutrients.

Whey Protein Burns Fat

Source: Eat This, Not That

In addition to keeping you full for a longer period, it’s scientifically proven that certain whey protein components also improve energy balance and metabolism. In other words, they automatically speed up the process of converting what you eat and drink into energy. Not only does this mean that you will get more energy to keep up with a demanding workout, but it also means the calorie-burning process will be sped up, helping you lose weight faster.

Another thing you should know is that whey proteins contain branched-chain amino acids and ACE inhibiting peptide which contribute to fat loss by blocking the storage of fat in your body.

Whey Protein Promotes Muscle Mass

Consuming a whey protein shake before or after your workout has been shown to be effective for increasing muscle growth. It’s because the whey protein is loaded with nine essential amino acids, some of which are leucine that’s the most anabolic (growth-promoting) amino acid, and cysteine that boosts the levels of antioxidant glutathione responsible for recovering the muscles after a workout.

These amino acids are also responsible for a couple of more things, such as producing the building blocks when the muscle mass starts increasing, releasing the hormones that stimulate muscle growth, and helping the protein get absorbed faster in the body, unlike the other types of proteins.

Whey Protein Can Help in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Source: Arla Foods Ingredients

In people that have type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is struggling to produce the normal amount of insulin to keep the blood sugar levels normal. There’re also cases where the body has become resistant to insulin. For fighting type 2 diabetes, it’s recommended to avoid foods that have high glycemic indexes (GI), such as refined grains, sweets, potatoes, white rice and white bread.

Research has shown that consuming whey protein drinks along with a high glycemic index meal, prevents the dramatic spike in blood sugar that is common for people with type 2 diabetes. Actually, the same research has also proven that insulin production was higher after consuming whey supplements. This is thanks to the fact that whey proteins are rich in amino acids that promote the release of several gut hormones such as cholecystokinin, incretins gastric inhibitory peptide, and glucagon-like peptide 1 that stimulate insulin production.

So, if you’re tired of the same strict diet every day when dealing with type 2 diabetes, don’t hesitate to buy whey protein and treat yourself to other types of foods now and then. Of course, carefully.

Whey Protein Reduces Blood Pressure

Our busy lifestyles, accompanied by unhealthy fast food and a lot of stress can lead to increased blood pressure which is also a leading risk factor for heart diseases.

Fortunately, a lot of studies have linked the consumption of dairy products with reduced blood pressure, due to the ACE inhibitors we mentioned before. In whey proteins, the ACE-inhibitors are called lactokinins. Consuming 54 gr. of whey powders per day for 12 weeks is proven to lower the systolic blood pressure by 4%, caused by the lactokinins in the whey protein.

How Is Whey Protein Consumed?


Most guides recommend a dosage of 25 to 50 grams per day (which is 1 to 2 scoops.) after workouts. However, it’s not uncommon for people to take whey protein before a workout or before going to bed, in order to maximise muscle gain.

For the best effects, whey protein should be mixed with water. But if you prefer a richer texture and thickness, whey protein can also be mixed with milk. It’s not uncommon for people to put it in fruit smoothies too, as a replacement for a meal.

So, if you’re tired of all those strict diets that constantly leave you hungry or you simply want to increase the quality of your health by shedding some excess fat, make sure you try whey protein powder. Combined with eating healthy foods and regular workouts, whey protein delivers the best results.