Not every handbag has what it takes to become THE handbag. For a handbag to be our go-to for everyday use, it needs to meet some criteria. First of all, it should be big enough to store all our daily essentials from the wallet to the keys, water bottle, hand cream, make-up bag, umbrella, medications and so on. It also needs to be easy to carry around and look stylish enough for our carefully put-together outfits.
And usually, there’s only one bag that can succeed in all of this – the tote! However, after years of lugging around these practical bags, I’ve realised that not all totes are made equal. Some can only last a month of use, some only cause frustration by being difficult to organise. And then there are the winning totes. The ones that last for years and feel like an extension to our bodies. If you haven’t had the luck to find one yet, here are some smart tips to help you.
Look for High Quality Leather
When looking for a tote you can rely on day after day, it’s crucial to look for quality. And when it comes to quality, a leather tote bag is the best investment you can make. Genuine leather is a guarantee for longevity and sophistication. It’s one of those rare things that can look even better with time. Although many consider that leather isn’t a good material for the summer, a tote bag made of soft leather is light enough and won’t attract heat as a hard leather bag can do. For that reason, reserve your hard leather bags for the winter only. And in those situations when you’ll be spending a lot of time in the sun, don’t bring your leather tote bag along as too much exposure to direct sunlight can damage it.
Select a Neutral Colour
When investing in a bag for everyday use, you need to think about how it will match your outfits. If you want to be able to wear the bag with outfits in any colour, then a neutral one is the best choice. Whether it’s beige, grey, black, navy, or white – a neutral tote is the most versatile accessory you can own. A neutral monochromatic or multi-coloured tote can be paired with almost every outfit. From jeans and a tee to a little black dress – a tote in a neutral colour can fit every occasion, style and personality.
Check the Compartments
So, your everyday handbag should be spacious enough to accommodate all your essentials. And different people have different essentials. To make sure you have all your storage needs covered, check what kind of compartments the tote features. For instance, if you need to carry your laptop with you on a regular basis, you might benefit from a tote with a special laptop compartment. If you’ll be using the bag for business needs, it should keep your business papers and folders neatly packed. Also, look for a special zipped compartment to keep important things safe, such as your wallet and keys.