Horse Care Essentials: Choosing Clippers and How to Use Them

Horse owners should know just how important proper care is for their beloved animal, grooming included as it is quite pivotal for the horse’s optimal health. So, what should you do? Well, horse clippers are the way to start, you just need to make sure you choose the right one.

Crucial Elements of Horse Clippers


It is useful to know that equine clippers come with two blades: the “comb” and the “cutter” on top. The comb brushes the hair and gets it ready to be cut by the other part of the clipper. If you live in a warm climate your horse will probably need a closer cut. Contrary to this, when it comes to horses that are kept in colder places, a little hair will keep them warm. There are horse clippers that come with adjustable blades and removable ones too. These make it easy to place the blade at the exact distance from the comb that you need.


Usually, the cordless type of horse clippers is a bit larger and these tend to be a bit harder to handle and maneuver. Corded ones, on the other hand, are smaller. This is because they don’t have the need for an additional battery slot. Still, the size you need depends on the task at hand. Smaller ones are great for delicate areas, like neck and face. While the bigger models are great for the back and torso.

Motor Type

When it comes to the motor, there are three types: rotary, pivot and magnetic. Rotary motors are quite common. They do their job with the help of an electric part and a rotating disc. The disc rotates and provides power to the blades. Pivoting models include a magnet and only one hand. The magnet is fixed, and the blades are the ones moving. Magnet motors differ from the pivoting ones in the way the magnetic field works. With magnet motors, this field can regulate the blades back and forth. These are great for both smaller jobs and for heavy-duty clipping as well.

A Few Useful Tips and Tricks

There are instances when the clipper heats up while in use. You can either turn it off and let it cool, or you can use a cooling fluid to keep it constantly cool. Next, be mindful of the season when you decide to clip your horse. It is recommended that you avoid mid-spring since it is too early and don’t clip late in the year either. It might interfere with the development of the coat in summer.

When you get near the tail and mane you need to wrap them and clip to the side so that you don’t cut any long hairs. Or, you can ask someone to hold them aside while you use the clipper. The face, neck and other sensitive parts should be left for last, and always use smaller clippers when grooming these areas.